Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Beggar-Fiction of the week-27

The Beggar

The senior officer ordered his assistant “Chase these beggars from the sidewalk of the busy road. They never follow the order of making the side walk clear and clean. They have not only made the side walk narrow but also very dirty.” After giving the order the officer waited for the implementation of his order.
The assistant started chasing the beggars using his administrative and physical power.  One of the beggars defied the order and stood still. Instead of running away he approached  the officer.  He did not care about the severe action that the officer and his assistant could take. The beggar had courage and boldness in his voice,and he said “Sir, if we beg inside the street instead of the side walk of the busy road the leaders who have promised us that they would take care of us would never see our needs and poverty. Those leaders never go through inside the street rather they chose the busy roads which are wider and clean.  Their long cars cannot pass through  the narrow  street . To make them recall the promises they have made to us we need to beg in the busy road’s side walk instead of going inside the street."
After listening to the beggar the officer looked at the wider and  the clean road for a long time.Then he looked the dirty and narrow streets. The assistant was still chasing the beggars from the side walk of the busy road.  

Bishwa Raj Adhikari

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