Sunday, October 23, 2011

Swami Maharaj - Fiction of the week - 8

Swami Maharaj

'I never did hurt any one. I was always good with people. Nobody ever blamed me for unpleasant words. Rather, people always respected me for being impartial with them!' a statesman addressed the mass gathered to listen his speech with full of pride. A follower of that statesman reacted immediately, 'Our Guru Swami Maharaj is great and completely impartial!'
One person who was present there to listen to the speech did not like the words of the follower of that Swami Maharaj, particularly about the claim of impartiality. He said to Swami Maharaj 'Swami, you did not favor any person. But, tell me the truth; were all the people who came to you good? No, not all of them were good. Certainly some of them were bad. But you did not tell them that they were bad. You did not want to upset them. And this way you favored yourself. Hence you always favored yourself. How then are you impartial?'
None of the people who were present there could understand the question raised by the person. However, Swami Maharaj seemed to understand as the question left him in deep thinking.

Bishwa Raj Adhikari 

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